The documentary film “No Winter Holidays” has bagged the prestigious Alternative Film Award. Directed by Rajan Kathet and Sunir Pandey, the 79-minute documentary titled “Dhorpatan” emerged victorious in the Alternative Film category at the awards organized by the Alternative Film Project.
An independent panel of filmmakers from South Asia and Europe made the announcement, recognizing exceptional contributions to independent cinema. “Dhorpatan,” a Nepali documentary, was honored with this significant award.
Babin Dulal and Shishir Vishankhel directed the documentary, which premiered worldwide at the Sheffield Doc/Fest in the United Kingdom. The “Alternative Film Awards 2023” encompassed countries like Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, in addition to Nepal.
As part of the recognition, Nepal was granted an award along with a prize of USD 20,000. Director Kathet shared his joy, expressing, “Although there were many films from South Asia, our documentary stood out and clinched the award. It’s a moment of great happiness.
Storyline of the flim
In the chilling expanse of the Nepalese Himalayas, “No Winter Holidays” unfolds a poignant tale of Ratima and Kalima, bitter rivals left alone in their deserted village for a frigid winter. Abandoned by the community, the elderly women, both in their seventies, find themselves dependent on each other for survival. Through breathtaking cinematography, the film explores the harsh beauty of the mountain landscape and delves into the themes of rivalry, loneliness, aging, and the resilience of womanhood.